Non-PSU Persons Foreign Travel

Export Compliance Review Request Form

Instructions: Penn State has a legal obligation under U.S. export and sanctions laws to evaluate and screen all foreign persons with whom it will have any significant business relationship, including any non-PSU persons whose travel expenses will be paid directly or indirectly by the University. Under University Policy AD89 and the International Travel Requirements Policy, an export compliance review must be completed prior to departure on any foreign travel for official University purposes, including University travel by non-PSU persons.

This review is not an approval of travel but should be completed prior to departure after all travel plans have been finalized. The information provided here will be reviewed by an Export Compliance Specialist within the Office of Export Compliance to evaluate the proposed travel plans in order to identify any significant export compliance risks that may result from the proposed activities of the non-PSU Person while abroad. All information provided should be accurate to the best of your knowledge at the time of submission. We recommend completion and submission of this Review Request Form at least 30 days prior to departure, if possible.

This form should not be used by PSU employees as their travel must be registered in the Travel Safety Network (TSN) to ensure compliance with University Policy AD89 and the reimbursement process.

To initiate an export review, please provide the information requested and click on the “Submit” button. A copy of your request will then be forwarded to an Export Compliance Specialist in the University Export Compliance Office for review.

Please visit our website for more information about Export Compliance at Penn State.

Questions about Penn State’s Export Compliance programs may be submitted via email to the University Export Compliance Office.

You may upload files in place of or in addition to the text supplied in the last three answer fields of this form.