Resources & Training
Values, Ethics, and Compliance Training
This training is required annually for all employees and provides an overview of ethics and compliance obligations at Penn State.
To access this training, please visit Penn State’s Learning Resource Network. For questions regarding the content of this training or applicable policy, please contact the Office of Ethics and Compliance at 814-867-5088 or psoec@psu.edu. If you have any questions or have trouble accessing the Penn State Learning Resource Network, please contact the HR Services Group at AskHR@psu.edu or 814-865-1473.
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
At Penn State, protecting children is everyone's responsibility. This training is designed to provide you with the information about your responsibilities under Pennsylvania law and Penn State policies, how to recognize the signs or indicators of child abuse, how to respond to a disclosure of child abuse and how to report child abuse to the proper authorities. To access this training, please visit Penn State’s Learning Resource Network.
For questions regarding the content of this training or applicable policy, please contact the Office of Ethics and Compliance at 814-867-5088 or psoec@psu.edu. If you have any questions or have trouble accessing the Penn State Learning Resource Network, please contact the HR Services Group at AskHR@psu.edu or 814-865-1473.
Clery Act Training
The Clery Act requires all institutions to collect crime reports from a variety of individuals and organizations that Clery considers to be "campus security authorities." To learn more about the Clery Act or to access the online training, please visit http://police.psu.edu/online-training.
Privacy & HIPAA Training
The HIPAA Privacy Rule Training is required annually for all workforce members of the designated HIPAA Covered Components. To access the training for employees, go to the Learning Resource Network (LRN), log-in using your Penn State account, and search “HIPAA Privacy Rule Training.
It is recommended if you work with personally identifiable information (PII), personal information, or sensitive information that you take the data privacy training. For training on Penn State’s Privacy Program and data privacy go to the Learning Resource Network (LRN), log-in using your Penn State account, and search “Data Privacy at Penn State."
Please contact the Privacy Office for more information.