Mandated Reporters

Information for Mandated Reports and Youth Program Associates

Nittany Lion mascot posing with Lion Shrine statue.

Reporting Child Abuse

Penn State University requires all University employees who have reasonable suspicion of abuse to make a report, with an exception to any confidential communications made to a University-employed attorney, or confidential communication made to University-employed member of the clergy.

Resources for Mandated Reporters
Mirrored "We Are" sculpture with geometric filter overlay.

Questions About Training

At Penn State, protecting children is everyone's responsibility. This training is designed to provide you with the information about your responsibilities under Pennsylvania law and Penn State policies, how to recognize the signs or indicators of child abuse, how to respond to a disclosure of child abuse and how to report child abuse to the proper authorities.

Nittany Lion mascot with one finger pointing up on dark blue gradient background.

Youth Programming

Access resources related to Penn State Youth Programs, including information about Background Checks and other clearances, program requirements, and registration information.

Resources for Youth Programs